Saturday, 21 February 2015 00:00

20th Feb. Mekunnai Peak Backcountry Tour on a blue bird day!

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Mekunnai Peak Backcountry Tour with NOASC Mekunnai Peak Backcountry Tour with NOASC NOASC Niseko Photography

With repeat guests who go backcountry with NOASC each year, it was another great day and reason to head back to Mekunnai Peak today.

After a 45minute drive from Niseko, it was all go for our hike up to the top of Mekunnai Peak. we weaved our way up through the trees to just above the tree line, and then into the Alpine zone.

With the sun still shining, it was long wide-open turns all the way down today!!!

Call NOASC to book a tour to the top of NISEKO. Tel: 81+.136.23.1688 or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 6774 times Last modified on Sunday, 22 February 2015 16:14

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