Niseko Rafting

Niseko Rafting (6)

Niseko Rafting Tours

NOASC Niseko runs commerical white water rafting tours year round. Our most exciting Rafting tours start as Spring comes to Hokkaido and the snow from surrounding Rusutsu, Kutchan, Kyogoku begin to melt and produce out action packed Niseko Spring Rafting tour.

As we enter Summer, the action turns to a more relaxed rafting tour and our clients can relax more enjoying the natural surrounds of the Shiribetsu river, with lots of games, swimming, etc., on our Kutchan summer course.

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Niseko Summer Rafting

Adult 6,300yen Child 4,500yen.

As the water levels drop around Niseko with the disappearing snow melt, we move up river to our Summer rafting course. With the warming conditions your Raft guide will introduce you to your river and surrounds by getting you and your crew involved in various activities/games, while you negoitating the numerous rapids along the way. Even though the overall length of the course is only approximatley 6.5km, you will still be on the river for approximately 90-120 mintues.

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NOASC Rafting + Camping Package

Experience Niseko's outdoors while camping at NOASC's adventure base camp ground. NOASC camp area is private camp area, for use by NOASC members only.

To become a member one must also book and participate on one of our half-day adventure activities. Clean modern toilet facilities. Apart from our half-day activities, campers can enjoy activities such as cycling, nature walks, night spot light tour, and cross country mountain biking, etc. 

At night enjoy toasted mushmellows, while sitting around the camp fire. Rental camping equipment available also.

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Niseko Rafting Information

Be it our high water season in Spring, or our range of river trips suited to the whole family in Summer, or the adventure rafter seeking a new and exciting experience during winter.
NOASC Niseko runs river tours on 2 courses: Niseko Spring course & the Kutchan Summer course, on the Shiribetsu River, and also the Toyohira river located 20 minutes from the centre of Sapporo in Spring. Enquire by calling 0136-23-1688.
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Niseko Kids Rafting

Adults 5,500yen Child 4,500yen

As the water levels drop around Niseko with the disappearing snow melt, we move up river to our Summer rafting course. With the warming conditions NOASC begins its summer family fun with the start of our popular Kid's Rafting tours in July. Not just fun for the kids, but also Mum and Dad. Your guide will have your family discovering the river ecosystem in a unique way through hands on adventure. 

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Niseko Private Rafting Tour

59,400yen (Full Private Tour)

Seat back and enjoy the spoils of a Niseko Private Rafting tour with you and your friends, or the whole family. If you are looking for some extra special service, the privacy of your own private raft on the river, and/or the support/guding skills of one of our senior guides/Instructors, this is the tour for you!  Choose your tour start time between the time periods below.

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Summer Private Boat 80,000yen (Tour photos included)

NOASC is sure to satisfy both first timers and repeat clients!
In Niseko's magnificent nature, we work together with friends and family to ♪ rafting.
Our private chartered boat plan is recommended for such people♪

☆ Do you want have the flexibility to choose your tour time?
☆ Do you want to raft in a boat only with your group?
☆ I want to enjoy the experience without worrying about other customers!
☆ Because it is a special day, I want to experience the tour alone! (I'm sorry, but we need room for our guide too.) * See note below
☆ Catering for Children, through to the 80 years olds. Raft at your own pace!
And so on....

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