Niseko First Step Backcountry Tour

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NOASC Niseko First Step Backcountry Tour NOASC Niseko First Step Backcountry Tour NOASC Backcountry Photography

Niseko First Step Backcountry Tour

An ideal tour for the first timer backcountry skier/snowboarder. When coming to Niseko for  the first time, one is always amazed about the amount of snow. This is your chance to learn about why Niseko is fast becoming on of the most popular powder skiing/snowboarding destinations in the world today.

Our experienced guides will show you the way, and what all the hipe is all about! They will introduce you to the necessary equipment and it's correct use, on the tour.

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Read 57172 times Last modified on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 14:39

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