Tuesday, 17 February 2015 00:00

Mt Yotei 1898m Backcountry hike up with blue skies...

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Mt Yotei Backcountry Tour with NOASC Mt Yotei Backcountry Tour with NOASC NOASC Niseko Photography

It was a great day to head to Mt Yotei with not a cloud in the sky.

With new snowfalls lacking over the last couple of days and the great weather, the snowpack had compacked making the hike up easier and quicker than normal.

After a 4 hour hike to the summit, we were tempted to board into the crater, but with an approaching turn in the weather we decided to had down.

The first 500m of wind blown crust made the desired GS turns hard to come by, but the sun affected slopes were more forgiving. The surprise of the day was some ankle deep powder below tree line on the sheltered slopes.

Call NOASC to book a tour to the top of NISEKO. Tel: 81+.136.23.1688 or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 8506 times Last modified on Sunday, 22 February 2015 14:40

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