

29日PMラフティング写真です!!このツアーも盛り上がりました。最高のツアーでした!!Come Rafting in Niseko!

For persons wishing to book immediately, book using our reservations form on our website and make sure you enter in the COUPON Code "0110" to redeem your 10% online discount.

Or just call NOASC at 0136-23-1688 to talk with one of our friendly staff.



For persons wishing to book immediately, book using our reservations form on our website and make sure you enter in the COUPON Code "0110" to redeem your 10% online discount.

イーメールから予約希望のお客様はinfo@noasc>.com,  にメールをお送りください。
If you would like to book visa email, send us an email to このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 with the following details. Or Send us a facebook message with your name, desired date, time (AM or PM), number of persons, if a pick up is required and if so, a location, and your telephone number.

   お名前 Name
   ・希望日 Tour Date
   ・希望時間 Tour time (Am OR Pm)
   ・人数 Number of persons
   ・送迎の有無(必要な場合、場所)If you need a pick up and the location.
   ・電話番号 Your telephone number.

Or just call NOASC at 0136-23-1688 to talk with one of our friendly staff.


Don't miss out on this great saving on our opening spring rafting tours during Golden Week this year. A tour full of action and excitement with the spring's snow melt. This package includes your Niseko rafting tour, plus your tour photos and a hot spirng bath "Onsen" at the end of your tour. Normally 7,500yen but reduced to 5,400yen.

Book online at and enter in the coupon code GWRPO to redeem your discount!

Backpackers Kiraku Summer Accommodation Package

Stay at one of Niseko Hirafu's longest running accommodations backpackers KIRAKU. Warm, friendly accommodation located in the heart of Niseko Hirafu Village. Single to five person group rooms available at resonable rates. Pricing based on single, twin, triple, four persons, 5 persons share and NOASC Rafting Tour.