

木, 26 12月 2013 22:32

Powdeeeer at Annupuri Today!

Private Powder Lesson at Annupuri this morning. Wendy from Switzerland said she has never skiied POWDER in Switzerland before because they don't GET it! Wow...



12/18 PM のみお得な料金でご案内しております。50% OFFです。お誘い合わせの上是非ご参加下さい!

The snow had seriously started to fall and blanketed the Niseko foothills with a deep powder filled like "Doona". It's snowshoeing time and we have a special priced tour happening on the 18th December PM. Don't miss out on the Christmas spirit with 50% OFF. Call NOASC to secure your position on this tour.

月, 16 12月 2013 09:25

Winter Rafting 13th Dec 2013

This years Winter Rafting has got off to a BIG start with high water and flurry of snow storms. Nevermind as you can see from the photos everyone keeps warm and thoroughly enjoys this unique experience. DON't miss out on the 50% PM tour on the 17th December!

月, 16 12月 2013 09:05

Snowshoeing on the 7th Dec.

The snow had seriously started to fall and blanketed the Niseko foothills with a deep powder filled like "Doona"