お知らせ: NOASCの無料リゾート送迎で近隣のスキーエリアをご体験ください!
羊蹄山 プライベートバックカントリーツアー
ニセコ バックカントリーツアー インフォメーション
Mountain Explorer Ski Lesson Level-8
Level eight skiers are confident advanced skiers who ski parallel turns on all terrain and in all snow conditions. Level eight skiers can ski with carving turns on black runs. Level eight skiers regularly ski off-piste on in varying terrain, including open and closed tree runs, in shallow ankle through to waist deep powder, generally within ski resort boundaries. Learning about backcountry skiing and skiing outside resort boundaries.
- なぜNOASCなのか? Some Great reasons below
- プロのスタッフ: Professionally trained and qualified instructors.
- 豊富なスキル: Local Niseko instructors living and working in the outdoor industry all year round.
- 豊富な知識: A mix of local Niseko and foreign Instructors/guides.
- フレクサブル: All our lessons are planned with flexibility and your desires in mind.
- 個人なサービス We are not a large Niseko ski school, Niseko Backcountry guiding company.
- バランスがあるクラス: Groups of similar abilities and needs.
- 小人数: We don't believe in quantity, more so quality.
- 特別なサービス: Within the Niseko area we provide a free pick-up and drop-off service.
- 最高思い出: Photo and video Service of your lesson/tour.
Intermediate Beginner Ski Lesson Level-2
Level Two skiers are cautious novices who are able to do a snowplough (wedge / pizza slice) turn both ways and can stop. These skiers can link turns but not smoothly. Level two skiers may have skied once or twice before for a couple of hours or days, on beginner slopes.
- なぜNOASCなのか? Some Great reasons below
- プロのスタッフ: Professionally trained and qualified instructors.
- 豊富なスキル: Local Niseko instructors living and working in the outdoor industry all year round.
- 豊富な知識: A mix of local Niseko and foreign Instructors/guides.
- フレクサブル: All our lessons are planned with flexibility and your desires in mind.
- 個人なサービス We are not a large Niseko ski school, Niseko Backcountry guiding company.
- バランスがあるクラス: Groups of similar abilities and needs.
- 小人数: We don't believe in quantity, more so quality.
- 特別なサービス: Within the Niseko area we provide a free pick-up and drop-off service.
- 最高思い出: Photo and video Service of your lesson/tour.
Advanced Ski Lesson Level-7
Level Seven skiers are confident intermediate skiers who ski parallel turns of varying radius' on intermediate and black runs. These skiers experiement with dynamic turning on and off-piste. Confident enough to ski open trees, or shallow powder runs off-piste. Using their poles for timing turns. Confident short radius turns and carving turns on blue runs on-piste. Maybe venturing into moguls on occassions.
- なぜNOASCなのか? Some Great reasons below
- プロのスタッフ: Professionally trained and qualified instructors.
- 豊富なスキル: Local Niseko instructors living and working in the outdoor industry all year round.
- 豊富な知識: A mix of local Niseko and foreign Instructors/guides.
- フレクサブル: All our lessons are planned with flexibility and your desires in mind.
- 個人なサービス We are not a large Niseko ski school, Niseko Backcountry guiding company.
- バランスがあるクラス: Groups of similar abilities and needs.
- 小人数: We don't believe in quantity, more so quality.
- 特別なサービス: Within the Niseko area we provide a free pick-up and drop-off service.
- 最高思い出: Photo and video Service of your lesson/tour.
Advanced Beginner Ski Lesson Level-3
Level Three skiers are novices who are able to snowplough (wedge / pizza slice) turn both ways and stop confidently. These skiers can link turns smoothly keeping constant radius on beginner (green) to intermediate (shown as red in Japan ) ski runs. Level Three skiers may have skied for several days and have no problem getting on or off lifts.
- なぜNOASCなのか? Some Great reasons below
- プロのスタッフ: Professionally trained and qualified instructors.
- 豊富なスキル: Local Niseko instructors living and working in the outdoor industry all year round.
- 豊富な知識: A mix of local Niseko and foreign Instructors/guides.
- フレクサブル: All our lessons are planned with flexibility and your desires in mind.
- 個人なサービス We are not a large Niseko ski school, Niseko Backcountry guiding company.
- バランスがあるクラス: Groups of similar abilities and needs.
- 小人数: We don't believe in quantity, more so quality.
- 特別なサービス: Within the Niseko area we provide a free pick-up and drop-off service.
- 最高思い出: Photo and video Service of your lesson/tour.
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