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Backcountry Explorer Lesson Level-9
Level nine snowboarders are very competent advanced snowboarders who board all mountain, all terrain, all conditions, venturing out into the backcountry (non-patrolled/no snow control) areas. Level nine snowboarders are learning about snowboarding techniques in the backcountry, basic backcountry safe travel, on full-day tours, regularly.
- なぜNOASCなのか? Some Great reasons below
- プロのスタッフ: Professionally trained and qualified instructors.
- 豊富なスキル: Local Niseko instructors living and working in the outdoor industry all year round.
- 豊富な知識: A mix of local Niseko and foreign Instructors/guides.
- フレクサブル: All our lessons are planned with flexibility and your desires in mind.
- 個人なサービス We are not a large Niseko ski school, Niseko Backcountry guiding company.
- バランスがあるクラス: Groups of similar abilities and needs.
- 小人数: We don't believe in quantity, more so quality.
- 特別なサービス: Within the Niseko area we provide a free pick-up and drop-off service.
- 最高思い出: Photo and video Service of your lesson/tour.
Beginner Intermediate Snowboard Lesson Level-4
Level Four snowboarders are cautious intermediate snowboarders who are able to link turns, and stop with dynamic stops, confidently. These snowboarders can link turns smoothly keeping constant radius on beginner (green) to intermediate (red/blue) runs with better use of their edges, at moderate speed. Riding occasionally off-piste.
Intermediate Snowboard Lesson Level-5
Level Five snowboarders are confident intermediate snowboarders who are able use dynamic linked turns, and stop confidently on intermediate red runs. These snowboarders board relatively fast, but may have difficulty, loosing their edges, on steeper, icy, or bumpy intermediate runs. May still slide turn to imitate turns on piste. Enjoying riding off-piste on red runs.
- なぜNOASCなのか? Some Great reasons below
- プロのスタッフ: Professionally trained and qualified instructors.
- 豊富なスキル: Local Niseko instructors living and working in the outdoor industry all year round.
- 豊富な知識: A mix of local Niseko and foreign Instructors/guides.
- フレクサブル: All our lessons are planned with flexibility and your desires in mind.
- 個人なサービス We are not a large Niseko ski school, Niseko Backcountry guiding company.
- バランスがあるクラス: Groups of similar abilities and needs.
- 小人数: We don't believe in quantity, more so quality.
- 特別なサービス: Within the Niseko area we provide a free pick-up and drop-off service.
- 最高思い出: Photo and video Service of your lesson/tour.
Backcountry Tourer Lesson Level-10
At level ten you are a very competent snowboarder in all conditions; with a backpack; in heavy snow through to deep powder, on all terrain. Level ten snowboarders are able to select the safest backcountry route, analyze present and future snow conditions through snow stability tests, weather forecasts. These snowboarders can plan and travel through the backcountry in all snow conditions, using varying navigation techniques, on overnight, and/or multi-day tours.
- なぜNOASCなのか? Some Great reasons below
- プロのスタッフ: Professionally trained and qualified instructors.
- 豊富なスキル: Local Niseko instructors living and working in the outdoor industry all year round.
- 豊富な知識: A mix of local Niseko and foreign Instructors/guides.
- フレクサブル: All our lessons are planned with flexibility and your desires in mind.
- 個人なサービス We are not a large Niseko ski school, Niseko Backcountry guiding company.
- バランスがあるクラス: Groups of similar abilities and needs.
- 小人数: We don't believe in quantity, more so quality.
- 特別なサービス: Within the Niseko area we provide a free pick-up and drop-off service.
- 最高思い出: Photo and video Service of your lesson/tour.
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