お知らせ: NOASCの無料リゾート送迎で近隣のスキーエリアをご体験ください!

ニセコハイキング・トレッキング情報 (1)
NOASC offers various hiking and overnight "Trekking" tours with the Niseko Mountain range. Enjoy your tour with friendly, professional, and knowledgable local NOASC staff. We have courses of varying difficluty and length, to suit our customer's needs. Be it half day tours, through to multiday tours for the more adventureous trekker. Contact NOASC for further details!
Niseko Hiking/Trekking Information
NOASC offers various hiking and overnight "Trekking" tours with the Niseko Mountain range. Enjoy your tour with friendly, professional, and knowledgable local NOASC staff. We have courses of varying difficluty and length, to suit our customer's needs. Be it half day tours, through to multiday tours for the more adventureous trekker. Contact NOASC for further details!
- プロ; Our guides are fully trained, full time guides.
- 多言語: English, Japanese, Chinese, etc.
- フレンドリー: Always striving to make you feel special.
- 豊富な知識: Extensive knowledge of the flora, fauna and history of the area.
- 経験があり: Running Summer and winter tours since 1993
NOASC Latest Blog Posts
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NOASC Niseko Canyoning Summer 2017
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2017/%06/%19(%AM) %07:%6月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Canyoning Blog -
Winter Rafting in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2016/%12/%09(%AM) %09:%12月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Rafting/Ducky Blog