お知らせ: NOASCの無料リゾート送迎で近隣のスキーエリアをご体験ください!
バックカントリー雪崩講習会 (2)
NOASC Backcountry Avalanche Awareness Course (BAAC) 17th Jan.
投稿者: AdministratorOur NOASC Backcountry Avalanche Awareness course provides participants with the
fundamentals of survival and rescue techniques in the backcountry and is recommended for all winter sports lovers and people who may need to carry out on-snow rescues as part of their jobs, or when participating in winter sports outside resort boundaries. Our participants learn about safe travel, the mechanics of an avalanche (the science of an avalanche) and internationally recognised classifications/snow profiling techniques, correct backcountry equipment and use of, size-up (analysing an accident/rescue scene), site control and scene management.
NOASC Backcountry Avalanche Awareness Course (BAAC) 24th Dec.
投稿者: AdministratorOur NOASC Backcountry Avalanche Awareness course provides participants with the
fundamentals of survival and rescue techniques in the backcountry and is recommended for all winter sports lovers and people who may need to carry out on-snow rescues as part of their jobs, or when participating in winter sports outside resort boundaries. Our participants learn about safe travel, the mechanics of an avalanche (the science of an avalanche) and internationally recognised classifications/snow profiling techniques, correct backcountry equipment and use of, size-up (analysing an accident/rescue scene), site control and scene management.
NOASC Latest Blog Posts
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2022/%01/%16(%PM) %16:%1月 カテゴリ: NOASC スキー・スノーボードレッスンブログ
投稿者: Administrator友達と一緒に参加してください。近年、人気急上昇中のキャニオニングは,山深い渓谷を身一つやゴムチューブのみで流れくだり、なんと最後には5メートルの崖をジャンプします。1日にラフティングとキャニオニングの2つを楽しむ事も可能なのでニセコに来たら挑戦してみて下さい。投稿日時: %2017/%06/%19(%AM) %07:%6月 カテゴリ: NOASCキャニンオング ブログ
Winter Rafting in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2016/%12/%09(%AM) %09:%12月 カテゴリ: NOASCラフティング・ダッキーブログ