

Our Swiftwater Rescue Technician (SRT1) course provides participants with the
fundamentals of survival and rescue techniques in moving water and is recommended for all water sports lovers and people who may need to carry out in-water rescues as part of their jobs, or when participating in water sports. Our participants learn about hydrology (the science of moving water) and internationally recognised river classifications, correct equipment and use of, size-up (analysing an accident/rescue scene), site control and scene management.

金, 01 2月 2013 17:51

Working for NOASC

NOASC Staff Attributes: Are you this person??

  1. Must have excellent problem solving skills.
  2. Must enjoy working as a member of a team.
  3. Must be able to think quickly and be flexible.
  4. Must have excellent customer service/ communication skills (Public speaking to large groups)
  5. Must have knowledge of outdoor and work place health and safety
  6. Must have first aid knowledge and/or certificate (not required for non-guiding/instructing positions).
  7. Must have international drivers license (manual preferably. Winter applicants: snow covered road driving experience).
  8. Must have Rafting guide, Ski Instructing, other outdoor guiding qualifications in the position applied for, or other relevant experience. Contact NOASC if you are not sure.
  9. Must be willing to work varying hours and on different tasks.
  10. Most important – must be able to financially support oneself during any training periods, be well presented, friendly and loyal.

When people see you- they see NOASC.

The above should be reflected in a full resume ( outlining full personal details, your academic qualifications, other qualifications, work experience ) with several contactable personal and work references from former employers, which is submitted to NOASC. Please provide contact details for your reference providers. NOTE: These reference providers should be persons that directly supervised you in the workplace.

金, 01 2月 2013 17:47

How to apply for a job with NOASC

Working for NOASC :  How to Apply.

Thank you for your enquiry with regards to working for NOASC

We are currently looking for outdoor guiding / instructors / hospitality / drivers / photographers / office staff to help with our adventure activities during summer, and winter, with the right person attributes, qualifications & experience, to be part of our valued NOASC team.

(For non-Japanese applicants) Please note that providing any of the required documents also in Japanese, will help to speed up your application process.

STEP 1. :

Please review if you are the person NOASC is looking for : Are you this person?

STEP 2. :

(For Japanese nationals please go to step 3.)

Check your VISA Eligibility : To be able to work in Japan, you require the approriate visa. This normally means you will need to be able to obtain a "working holiday" visa from your nearest Japan embassy. First check to see if you are eligible. If you do not meet the necessary criteria, please contact NOASC to discuss possible further options including possible visa sponsorship.

STEP 3. :

3.1 Please provide NOASC with a full resume : As part of your resume included all personal details (Full name, contact address, contact details (mobile, SKype, etc.,) age, D.O.B., Gender, Nationality, current visa status if in Japan, maritial status, etc.), Academic record, all work related qualifications and all work experience until present.

As part of your resume, please also include 3 work references and 3 personal references. Please also provide contact details (including telephone numbers) for these reference providers. NOASC will endeavour to contact these persons to discuss your former employment (performance in the workplace) and your suitablity for the job you are applying for.

Please e-mail us your resume to このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。, or it can also be attached to our questionnaire below.

3.2 Fill in and submit our NOASC Job Applicant Questionnaire:

NOTE: If you haven't included a "passport style" photo of yourself in your resume, please attach a photo to the end of the questionnaire. Acceptable image types are jpeg,gif, and png's, no bigger than 100kb please.

Click here to go to our NOASC-Job-Applicant-Questionnaire

STEP 4. :

4.1 On receiving your questionnaire, resume, job references, etc.,  NOASC contact you within 7 days to let you know how your application is progressing. We normally contact successful applicants with offers of employment at the end of each month, leading up to our main summer or winter seasons.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact NOASC about your application.

Thank you,

NOASC Management.