

木, 07 6月 2012 00:00

S.N.S Discount

Social Networking Service (SNS) Discount

Check out our special discounts offered on our NOASC social networking services on FACEBOOK, Twitter, Mixi, Foursquare, and Google+. These offers are unique to customers using these services. You need to contact us through these sites to receive your COUPON no. for the activity discount when booking online.

月, 04 6月 2012 08:33

Local's Discount

Local's Discount

A GREAT discount for people living locally within the Shiribeshi area. Please show your driver's licence, or another form of photo identification with you current residential address on it, at the time of reception. Contact our staff to get your COUPON no. when booking online.

月, 04 6月 2012 08:26

Family Discount

Family Discount

A GREAT FAMILY discount for 2 adults and the kids.

木, 31 5月 2012 19:25

Girls Discount

Girls Small Group Discount

For a group of 4 or more girls, book online and recieve the discount below of the recommended activity price, plus an Niseko Alpen Hotel Onsen voucher, and also a 20% discount voucher for your next half-day adventure activity.