

木, 22 11月 2012 09:12

5) On river Rafting tour

On River 70-90 minutes of Rafting 

After your guide has completed the safety talk, your Rafting tour commences. Approximately 1 - 1.5 hrs on the river, building your team work, successfully negoitating the many gentle rapids along way, while having lots of fun. No need to worry, as...

木, 22 11月 2012 07:44

4) River Safety Talk

River Safety Talk 

Once you have arrived and assembled at the start point of your Rafting start point, your guide will then take you through the river safety talk. He/she will demonstrate how to work together and paddle as a team, what to do if you fall out of the raft, and team/self rescue techniques.

NOASC prides it self with a brillant safety record. No need to worry, as...

Heading to your Start Point 

Once you have changed into your rafting gear, it's back onto your bus and then off to the start point of your rafting tour. This journey will take approximately 20 minutes. During this 20 minutes your bus guide will run through the safety points you need to remember to make your trip a memorable experience.

木, 22 11月 2012 06:40

2) Changing into your Rafting gear

Changing into your Rafting gear 

After meeting your guide, he/she will help you change into your rafting gear for the tour.