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GWでどくに行きますか?ニセコラフティングですね!是非、友達と一緒にラフティングをしに来てめ!4月6日までFACEBOOKから25%Offになっています。Where are you going during Golden Week? Be sure to come Rafting with NOASC!  Until April 6th get 20% off your Golden Week Rafting tour when you book via Facebook. Don't miss out on this great saving!!

As the river continues to raise with the Spring snow melt, so does the action. Our Niseko Rafting Course is 12.5km long and takes you on a roller coaster like ride from Kutchan to just below the Niseko Bridge on the edge of Niseko township. With 24 turns, countless rapids and a dam to get around in the middle of the tour, this is not a tour for the faint hearted.

Bring friend and check out during this Goldenweek Holiday period. Bookings are open, so call our firendly staff to book your seat on the ride of your life. 

Call now, NOASC on 0136-23-1688 or email us at このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。, or even book online and get 10% off your trip.

Get in quick and book your Spring Rafting Tour here in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan. For bookings made before April 19th, receive 20% off your Niseko Rafting Tour. Remember this promotion is only valid with cash payments. Call our friendly staff on 0136-23-1688 to talk to our friendly staff.

Clients enjoying our Niseko Rafting trip yesterday on our morning tour. How about treating yourself to a Niseko rafting trip? Call NOASC on 0136-23-1688.