

木, 21 3月 2013 00:00

2015 Technical Rope Rescue (TRR-T)

Technical Rope Rescue

This course introduces the student to rescue techniques using ropes. Utilizing “discovery learning” techniques, the current rescue technology and methods, the student is taught the necessary skills to effectively and safely carry out technical rope rescues in environments ranging from simple embankment (low angle) through to vertical cliff (man-made structures) rescues.

The course covers basic and specialized equipment, ropes and rigging techniques/methods, anchor selection, safety aspects involved with these riggings, rescue scene management and organisation, special problem scenarios, ascending and descending systems, abseiling (rappelling), belaying, lowering and raising systems, Telphers, highline rescue systems, bipod/tripod systems, and rescue stretcher (litter) management.


This course combines techniques learned in Swiftwater Rescue Technician level 1 (SRT1) and Technical Rope Rescue (TRR), building on the self-rescue techniques learnt in SRT-1 to concentrate on victim rescue. Participants are introduced to more complex water rescue situations including a mock night river rescue scenario. The three day course includes 5-7 hours of classroom instruction, followed by two and one-half days of hands-on skill development.

SRT-2 is run for private booking of 10 or more persons. Please enquire.

Participants are introduced to the role and the correct use of various skills in river and flood rescue, including

  • rope systems
  • management of litter(rescue stretcher) & patient raising systems
  • highline systems
  • advanced river search concepts
  • performing rescues at night or in low visibility
  • and basic flood disaster management.

Great Lines were had on our Niseko Mt. Yotei Backcountry Tour run on the 24th January.

We managed to climb to around 1400m and after a short break everyone enjoyed wide open GS style lines back down the mountain side. The end of the tour finished with a thigh sore soothing onsen "Hot Spring" bath where we able to view or lines still present on the side of the mountain from the outside bath "Rotenburo".

Contact NOASC so you don't miss out on our next tour. If you have a group of 4 people or more, contact our friendly staff 0136-23-1688 or stop by our Hirafu Office on Momiji Street, across from the SPLASH Bar, to check availablity.