

Another great morning of snowmobiling was enjoyed by four guests from Hong Kong today.

After a short safety briefing, it was then followed by a 10-20 minute practice session. During this session all riders learned how to best negoitate the courses, and control their snowmobile while not getting bogged in the deep snow. Once everyone was familar with the correct operation of their snow mobile, it was then off to the forest course.

A few course OUTS, occurred for some riders, but with the help of your guides, one was back on track in no time at all, and continuing on their way. In middle of the tour we had a 10 minute hot beverage drink break, to warm up, then it was back on our machines and off again, continuing through forests, open fields, then finally finishing up back at our start point.

火, 29 1月 2013 19:22

Mt. Yotei Backcountry Tour

Great Lines were had on our Niseko Mt. Yotei Backcountry Tour run on the 24th January.

We managed to climb to around 1400m and after a short break everyone enjoyed wide open GS style lines back down the mountain side. The end of the tour finished with a thigh sore soothing onsen "Hot Spring" bath where we able to view or lines still present on the side of the mountain from the outside bath "Rotenburo".

Contact NOASC so you don't miss out on our next tour. If you have a group of 4 people or more, contact our friendly staff 0136-23-1688 or stop by our Hirafu Office on Momiji Street, across from the SPLASH Bar, to check availablity.

火, 29 1月 2013 10:31

Great Day Skiing in Niseko

Yesterday at the top of the Ace (old Alpen) Quad Chair. Stuart from Hong Kong gets ready for his first warm up run of his morning private Ski Lesson. Stuart showed great progress over the 2 hours ironing out bad technique that allowed him to ski confidently and in control the "Ni-Kabe - No.2 face" black run towards the end of his lesson. Great skiing and a great effort Stuart!

月, 21 1月 2013 00:00

Rafting Outdoor Guides

NOASC is Hokkaido Japan's leading Adventure company running adventure activities throughout Hokkaido. During summer we are running activities in mainly Niseko, Kiroro, Jozankei (Sapporo), Tomamu (Furano) and Akan areas. We raft all year round in Niseko.

NOASC Niseko is our head operation here in Hokkaido Japan. Each year we are looking for....