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Full-Day Powder Ski Lessons
Learn the necessary technique needed to conquer fresh powder lines with some help of our powder instructors and get the most out of your Niseko ski holiday. Our instructors spend most of their time off-piste skiing the "steep and deep" so they can show you the best places in the local resorts. Even if this is your first time skiing the powder, we will give you the confidence so you can enjoy what Niseko Hokkaido and surrounding resorts are famous for - bottomless powder runs and unique tree skiing! Perfect for enthusiastic skiers who have a lot of energy and want to spent full day skiing
- 料金 56,000 yen (extra person plus 20,000 yen)
- 所要時間 8:30-16:30 (4hrs within)
- 集合時間 15mins before lesson time
- 対象年齢 10 years plus (check with your instructor)
- 最少催行人数 1 person
- シーズン December through to April (best season Jan. & Feb.)
- あなたのレベル Click here to find your level.
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this lesson.
- お持ち物 Click here to view.
Private Powder Lesson at Annupuri this morning. Wendy from Switzerland said she has never skiied POWDER in Switzerland before because they don't GET it! Wow...
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Winter Rafting in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan
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