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次のタグのアイテムを表示しています: NOASC 夜のツアー
Niseko Spot Lighting
Venture into the forest not in the daytime, BUT at night on a NOASC Spot-lighting tour! With the use of a large spot-light and guidance by your guide, stroll through the forest at night exploring the night flora and fauna. Catering to the whole family; even the little ones enjoy the adventure, and we do not stay out too late.
- 料金 Adult 3,000yen Child 2,000yen
- 集合時間 19:00
- 所要時間 2 hours
- 対象年齢 4 years and above
- 最少催行人数 4
- シーズン June through to October
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
Shimukappu Tomamu Spot Light Tour
Venture into the forest not in the daytime, BUT at night on a NOASC Spot-lighting tour! With the use of a large spot-light and guidance by your guide, stroll through the forest at night exploring the night flora and fauna. Catering to the whole family; even the little ones enjoy the adventure, and we do not stay out too late.
- 料金 Adult 3,000yen Child 2,000yen
- 集合時間 19:00
- 所要時間 2 hours
- 対象年齢 4 years and above
- 最少催行人数 4
- シーズン May 11th to September 23rd.
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
NOASC Latest Blog Posts
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2022/%01/%16(%PM) %16:%1月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Ski & Snowboard School Blog -
NOASC Niseko Canyoning Summer 2017
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2017/%06/%19(%AM) %07:%6月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Canyoning Blog -
Winter Rafting in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2016/%12/%09(%AM) %09:%12月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Rafting/Ducky Blog