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Niseko Kids Private Half Day Snow Adventure
Great fun for your kids! Let our fully trained staff take your kids on a snow adventure they won't forget. Building an igloo, snowman, snow castle, sledging, snowshoeing, animal tracking and more! Kids will experience a range of indoor and outdoor activities throughout the day, based on the weather on the day. A Pick-up and drop-off service to and from your accommodation is available for free.
- 料金 Half day 19,500 yen ( +3,000 yen extra child)
- 集合時間 AM:9:00-12:00, or PM:13:00-16:00pm
- 所要時間 approx 2.5 hours
- 対象年齢 4-12 years.
- 最少催行人数 1 child
- シーズン December through to late April
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
Niseko Kids Snow Adventures (Group)
Great fun for your kids! Let our fully trained staff take your kids on a snow adventure they won't forget. Building an igloo, snowman, snow castle, sledging, snowshoeing, animal tracking and more! Kids will experience a range of indoor and outdoor activities throughout the day, based on the weather on the day. A Pick-up and drop-off service to and from your accommodation is available for free.
- 料金 12,500 yen (Includes lunch)
- 集合時間 AM:9:00-15:30
- 所要時間 approx 4.5 hours
- 対象年齢 4-12 years.
- 最少催行人数 3
- シーズン December through to late April
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
Niseko Kids Private Full day Snow Adventure
Great fun for a private group of one to 10 children. Let our fully trained guides and instructors take your kids on a snow adventure they won't forget. Kids will experience a range of indoor and outdoor activities throughout the day, based on the weather on the day. A Pick-up and drop-off service to and from your accommodation is available for free.
- 料金 Full day 38,500 yen (Includes lunch), Extra child + 6,000 yen
- 集合時間 AM:9:00-15:30
- 所要時間 approx 4.5 hours
- 対象年齢 4-12 years.
- 最少催行人数 1 child
- シーズン December through to late April
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
Niseko Kids Snow Adventures (Group)
Great fun for your kids! Let our fully trained staff take your kids on a snow adventure they won't forget. Building an igloo, snowman, snow castle, sledging, snowshoeing, animal tracking and more! Kids will experience a range of indoor and outdoor activities throughout the day, based on the weather on the day. A Pick-up and drop-off service to and from your accommodation is available for free.
- 料金 6,500yen
- 集合時間 AM:9:00-12:00, or PM:13:00-16:00pm
- 所要時間 approx 2.5 hours
- 対象年齢 4-12 years.
- 最少催行人数 3
- シーズン Dec through to late April
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
NOASC Latest Blog Posts
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2022/%01/%16(%PM) %16:%1月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Ski & Snowboard School Blog -
NOASC Niseko Canyoning Summer 2017
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2017/%06/%19(%AM) %07:%6月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Canyoning Blog -
Winter Rafting in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2016/%12/%09(%AM) %09:%12月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Rafting/Ducky Blog