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次のタグのアイテムを表示しています: ニセコパウダーツアー
It doesn't get much better than this in the backcountry... first tracks, wide open turns with gret snow!
Our client's yesterday on our Mt Chizenupuri and Mt. Nitonupuri tour enjoyed some of the best conditions of this season. After a 2 hour hike up Chizenupuri, it was rewarded with first tracks down the north face toward Mt. Nitonupuri. After a quick bite to eat and slipping on our hiking seals it was back up to the top of Mt. Nitonupuri for the start of our afternoons runs. Contact NOASC for information on our backcountry tours.
Our guests were blown away with the #Niseko #Powder in the Niseko backhills, the other day. They said, "I will be BACK!"...for more POW.
Today's guest enjoy great open turns and deep powder runs on the Niseko Mountain range with our guides Ishi and Satome. With fresh snowfalls over night and the sun shining for most of the day...great turns in the backcountry were experienced by all.
Clients enjoy untracked turns in the Niseko Backcountry on Mt. Chizenupuri and Mt. Nitonupuri within the Niseko Mountain range. Call NOASC on T:0136-23-1688 to book your tour.
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