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Niseko CAT Access Full-Day Backcountry Tour
Our full-day Niseko CAT Access Backcountry tour within 30 minutes drive from the Niseko United Ski mountain. Variety of terrain accessed using backcountry hiking gear after the CAT machine has taken you most of the way up the mountain. This tour is a guided tour. It includes a hearty lunch, with Avalanche safety kit rental. For further information contact NOASC.
- 料金 56,000yen per person
- 集合時間 8:00am (Enquire about Pick-up time)
- 所要時間 8:30am - 17:00 (approx 6-7hrs including lunch)
- 対象年齢 13 years and above
- 最少催行人数 4
- シーズン Late Dec. to late March
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
- お持ち物 Click here to learn more
It was a great day to head to Mt Yotei with not a cloud in the sky.
With new snowfalls lacking over the last couple of days and the great weather, the snowpack had compacked making the hike up easier and quicker than normal.
After a 4 hour hike to the summit, we were tempted to board into the crater, but with an approaching turn in the weather we decided to had down.
The first 500m of wind blown crust made the desired GS turns hard to come by, but the sun affected slopes were more forgiving. The surprise of the day was some ankle deep powder below tree line on the sheltered slopes.
Call NOASC to book a tour to the top of NISEKO. Tel: 81+.136.23.1688 or send us an email at このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。.
Spring is here
Even with Srping upon us, there are still lots of untracked in the Niseko Backcountry. Today the peak gates didn't open, but one of the side gates opened. After a lengthy traverse and a quick check of the snowpack we started our first descent below treeline of the side country from Grand Hirafu ski Resort.
Lifts will run until the 1st week of May, so still lots of time to enjoy backcountry touring in the Niseko mountain ranges. Call NOASC to talk to our friendly staff about your next tour. T:0136-23-1688.
With repeat guests who go backcountry with NOASC each year, it was a great day to head to Mekunnai Peak with not a cloud in the sky.
With new snowfalls lacking over the last couple of days and the great weather, the snowpack had compacked making the hike up easier and quicker than a normal hike up from Nimi Onsen.
After a 45minute drive from Niseko, it was all go for our hike up to the top of Mekunnai Peak. we weaved our way up through the trees to just above the tree line, into the Alpine zone.
The hike up was gentle, but the slopestyle gully riding on the way down was hard on the legs with washouts, cutbacks, re-entries...you name it. The surprise of the day was some ankle deep powder below tree line on the sheltered slopes.
Call NOASC to book a tour to the top of NISEKO. Tel: 81+.136.23.1688 or send us an email at このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。.
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