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次のタグのアイテムを表示しています: キャニオニングアクティビティー
Shimukappu Tomamu Canyoning Tour
Enjoy a half day on the river rafting, swimming, exploring the river. You will be suprised what you find.
- 料金 Adult 6,500yen
- 集合時間 Am: 9:00, Pm:13:45
- 所要時間 3-3.5hours
- 対象年齢 13 years and above
- 最少催行人数 10
- シーズン June 15th to September 23rd
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
- お持ち物 Click here to learn more
Canyoning Tours have started here in Niseko and are about to start next week in Shimukappu/Tomamu. Come and enjoy a cooling river activity throught the heat of summer.
Experience a Niseko Canyoning Trip.
Walk, float, swim and jump your way down river on our Niseko Canyoning tour.
NOASC offers a choice of 2 canyoning courses in the Niseko Region to our guests; our Konbu River course situated in Niseko, and our "Onsen no sawa" River course, located in neighbouring Rankoshi town. Based of the tour, season and conditions we will take you on a trip you won't forget to soon.
- 料金 6,300yen
- 集合時間 Am: 9:30 Pm:13:30
- 所要時間 3-3.5 hours
- 対象年齢 13 years plus
- 最少催行人数 2
- シーズン Late-June to mid-September
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
- お持ち物 Click here to learn more
NOASC Latest Blog Posts
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NOASC Niseko Canyoning Summer 2017
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2017/%06/%19(%AM) %07:%6月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Canyoning Blog -
Winter Rafting in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2016/%12/%09(%AM) %09:%12月 カテゴリ: NOASC Member's Rafting/Ducky Blog