お知らせ: NOASCの無料リゾート送迎で近隣のスキーエリアをご体験ください!
次のタグのアイテムを表示しています: Skiing lessons Rusutsu
The season is nearing and NOASC is running private skiing and snowboarding lessons at Rusutsu, Kiroro, etc., ski resorts. All lessons include an optional free pick and drop off service from your accommodation at these resorts or in Niseko. Call NOASC to book your lessons in advance to avoid missing out. Telephone +
(Note: NOASC teaches lessons at resorts other than Niseko United Resorts for the 2023/2024 Winter season. Contact NOASC for further information and to discuss your lesson resort of choice. Traveling times one-way vary with road conditions, please allow up to approximately 90 minutes for Sapporo regional resorts).
- 料金 Half-day 4hrs from 56,000yen
- 所要時間 Am:8:30(4hrs), PM:13:30(4hrs)
- 集合時間 15mins before lesson time
- 対象年齢 4 years plus
- 最少催行人数 Private lessons from 1 pers+ extra for additional persons
- シーズン Dec. through to April
- あなたのレベル Click here to find your level.
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this lesson.
- お持ち物 Click here to view.
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