お知らせ: NOASCの無料リゾート送迎で近隣のスキーエリアをご体験ください!
Pension Woody Note Summer Accommodation Package
Stay at one of Niseko Hirafu's longest running accommodations Pension Woody Note. Log cottage accommodation and twin
. Pricing based on twin share.
- 2人部屋料金 From 9,800yen per person (2 or more per group).
- 料金に含まれるもの 1 night stay with breakfast, twin share Accommodation, Return transfer between Sapporo and accommodation, plus other great value bargins through summer months of July and August.NOTE: Pricing may change in busy periods.
- 有効期間 Summer season
- 一泊追加 From 5,500yen per person
- シングル希望 Extra 9,000yen per night
- アップグレード希望 Half-day adventure activity plus Pension Accommodation for 14,500yen when booking this package. Luxury Niseko Accommodation starting from 5,500yen per person (no breakfast included). BBQ Restaurant Niseko Soan (July/August)- All you can eat and drink for 3,500 (90 minutes). Saving of more than 1,000yen.
- 契約条件・注意事項 Click here to view
Backpackers Kiraku Summer Accommodation Package
Stay at one of Niseko Hirafu's longest running accommodations backpackers KIRAKU. Warm, friendly accommodation located in the heart of Niseko Hirafu Village. Single to five person group rooms available at resonable rates. Pricing based on single, twin, triple, four persons, 5 persons share and NOASC Rafting Tour.
- 2人部屋料金 7,900yen per person
- 3人部屋料金 7,700yen per person
- 4人部屋料金 7,700yen per person
- 5人部屋料金 7,700yen per person
- 料金に含まれるもの 1 night stay share Accommodation, and Adult NOASC Rafting Tour. NOTE: Pricing may change in busy periods.
- 有効期間 Summer May to October
- 一泊追加 From 3,700yen per person
- シングル希望 Contact NOASC 0136-23-1688
- 契約条件・注意事項 Click here to view
- ご予約方法 Contact NOASC at 0136-23-1688
NOASC Rafting + Camping Package
Experience Niseko's outdoors while camping at NOASC's adventure base camp ground. NOASC camp area is private camp area, for use by NOASC members only.
To become a member one must also book and participate on one of our half-day adventure activities. Clean modern toilet facilities. Apart from our half-day activities, campers can enjoy activities such as cycling, nature walks, night spot light tour, and cross country mountain biking, etc.
At night enjoy toasted mushmellows, while sitting around the camp fire. Rental camping equipment available also.
- 料金 Adult 7,600yen Child 4,600yen
- 集合時間 Tour AM: 9:30am Tour PM:13:30
- 所要時間 Rafting approx 3.5 hours + 1 night stay
- 対象年齢 6yrs
- 最少催行人数 4 persons
- シーズン June to September
- 今すぐ予約 Click here to book this activity!
- お持ち物 Click here to learn more
Summer Accommodation & Activity Package
6 Person Group Special. NORMALLY 77,800yen reduced to 67,000yen.
8 Person Group Special. NORMALLY 99,400yen reduced to 85,000yen.
Stay at one of Niseko Hirafu's modern luxury homes . Kaitekian is a spacious 3 storey, 4 bedroom, with tv games room, laundry, and luxury home, situated in lower Hirafu. Sit back in the spacious living area enjoying one of Niseko's most magnificent outdoor locations.
Our package includes a half day rafting tour. Other optional add-ons inlcude BBQ rental, and other adventure tours. Please contact NOASC staff to discuss your needs.
NOASC Latest Blog Posts
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2022/%01/%16(%PM) %16:%1月 カテゴリ: NOASC スキー・スノーボードレッスンブログ -
投稿者: Administrator友達と一緒に参加してください。近年、人気急上昇中のキャニオニングは,山深い渓谷を身一つやゴムチューブのみで流れくだり、なんと最後には5メートルの崖をジャンプします。1日にラフティングとキャニオニングの2つを楽しむ事も可能なのでニセコに来たら挑戦してみて下さい。
Winter Rafting in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan
投稿者: Administrator投稿日時: %2016/%12/%09(%AM) %09:%12月 カテゴリ: NOASCラフティング・ダッキーブログ